Example JUST LOVE Retreat Schedule
The only source of KNOWLEDGE is EXPERIENCE
Albert Einstein
Every year this event just keeps getting better. I am excited every year to learn how to better serve you and provide the most amazing high vibration experiences possible! 2015 is going to be insane! I have so much planned and in store for you this year. If you have never been to a GROOVE retreat i wanted to share with you a genearl breakdown of a typical day.
I design this getaway each year with the intention of sharing all the amazing information and tools I have collected and practiced over my world travels and experiences. I strive to create as many powerful, effective and creative activities as possible to tune you in, connect you deeper and have as much fun as possible in the process. What you be gauranteed is that you will have the time of your life!
*All activities are optional. You get to choose and create the EXPERIENCE you want to have.
Every day starts with 2 hours of silence as we take this time to reflect, meditate, journal and just be.
In addition to all the activites listed, everyday during your FREE time there will be various workshops offered from The ART of Self Pleasure, The Power of the BREATH, THOUGHTS - What's the TRUTH, Desire Mapping, AcroYoga, body painting, T-shirt cutting and lots more!
*Julia will be running a bodyART advanced level workshop in the afternoons for qualitified participants.
6:45am - Call to gather with fresh cut fruits, coffee and tea to start your day. *available all morning
7:00 - 7:30 - Mystical Mobilizations with Misty (i only call it Mystical cause my name is Misty... jejejaja). The is a very relaxed, intuitive way to connect to your body, mobilize your joints and get the day started.
7:30-8:00- Guided Meditation and journaling with Misty. Each day we explore different meditation techniques, awareness activities and journal explorations.
8:00 - 9:00 - BodyART with Julia. Each day Julia teaches one of theBodyART classes from Stretch, Dynamic, Contact and more.
9:00-10:00 - Breakfast together
11:00-12:00 - GROOVE with Misty
1:30-2:30 - Lunch together
12:00 - 6:00 - FREE TIME (Beach, hike, zipline, adventure, chill, bike ride or arts and crafts)
6:00-7:00 - Dinner together
8:00-9:00 - Evening GROOVE DANCE party
9:00-11:00 - Hang out, chill, talk, games, bon fire and more.
11:00 - Quiet time... time for bed!!!